

Club Officers:                          

Jim O’Neill - Commodore               

Mark Struss - Vice Commodore

Tom Colbert - Secretary

Kerri Bisner - Treasurer



Activities-Jim O’Neill, Paul Stone & Sue Struss

Float-Bill Bode, Steve Lauber & Stuart Conant

Ships Store-Trish Goodwin & Paige Harris

Membership-Kerri Bisner

Technology- Phil Chase, Dallas Raleigh & Tom Carney

Upweller-Kerri Bisner, Dallas Raleigh, Tom Carney, Steve Lauber& Mark Sruss


Board of Governors:

Phil Chase  978-559-9536

Start Conant 978-526-7287

Kerri Bisner 978-526-2202

Mike Bisner 978-526-2203

Bill Bode 508-523-5906

Paige Harris 978-502-6583

Steve Lauber 978-857-0569

Jim O’Neill 617-840-8854

Dallas Raleigh 212-960-3092

Paul Stone 978-836-8195

Mark Struss 508-572-7166

Sue Struss 508-572-7166

Tom Colbert 508-868-9550

Tom Carney 968-578-8397


Join our Facebook Group:

External link opens in new tab or windowhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/490824971249940/


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1405, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944


For questions for the Commodore:



For questions for the Treasure or Membership:

External link opens in new tab or windowtreasurer@manchesterharborboatclub.org


For questions for the Dockmaster:

External link opens in new tab or windowdockmaster@manchesterharborboatclub.org


For questions regarding the Ship’s Store:

External link opens in new tab or windowshipsstore@manchesteharborboatclub.org


For all other questions:





Join our Facebook Group:

External link opens in new tab or windowhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/490824971249940/

Feel free to post any boating-related material that would be of interest to the Members.  Check back for event photos, invites and updates.

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1405, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944


For questions for the Commodore:

External link opens in new tab or windowcommodore@manchesterharborboatclub.org


For questions for the Treasurer or Membership:

For questions for the Dockmaster:

 External link opens in new tab or windowdockmaster@manchesterharborboatclub.org

For questions regarding the Ship's Store:

External link opens in new tab or windowshipsstore@manchesterharborboatclub.org

For all other questions:

External link opens in new tab or windowinfo@manchesterharborboatclub.org
